Quiz Me: ParkHopper's Quiz Central

This is a place to file away all of those fun "tell us about you" memes floating around! Every time I find a quiz I like, I'll post it here. We'll all learn something about me in the process!

02 January, 2006

Sunday Seven for 1/1

Play along at Patrick's Weekender.

Don't think of them as Resolutions. Think of them as Goals or even just "Things You'd Like." But list up to seven things you hope to accomplish before 2006 draws to a close.
  1. Stay better in touch with friends and family (my only actual resolution)
  2. Buy a house...or at least have a significant chunk of money in savings toward that goal
  3. Get pregnant...or lose weight...or both, but not necessarily in that order!
  4. Establish a Primary Care doctor, visit the dentist, get new glasses, keep up my OB/GYN visits
  5. Back up my digital photos and last year's blog on CD for safe keeping
  6. Keep growing my hair until it's long enough to chop it off for Locks of Love (10")
  7. Not find any more white hairs sprouting from my scalp!


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