Quiz Me: ParkHopper's Quiz Central

This is a place to file away all of those fun "tell us about you" memes floating around! Every time I find a quiz I like, I'll post it here. We'll all learn something about me in the process!

11 December, 2005

Saturday Six for 12/10

Play along with the Saturday Six either here or at Patrick's Weekender!

1. You're producing a school program for the holidays and you learn that there will be major objections if you include in your musical selections the traditional Christmas hymns that reference the "true meaning of Christmas." Assuming that there are secular tunes (like "Frosty the Snowman") already included in the program, what do you do with the hymns? Do you allow them to go as is, do you use the melody and rewrite the words, do you include as many pieces of music from other religions as possible, or do you remove all but the secular songs? When they write a piece of secular music half as moving as O Holy Night or half as spectacular as Handel's Hallelujah Chorus, I'll consider substituting them for the Christmas classics. Until then, let people complain. The songs are classics. As is.

2. What percentage of your Christmas shopping is done at this point? When do you expect to have it finished if you haven't already finished? gee...I think I'm about 75% done. Of course, I've ordered some things online that haven't yet arrived, but I trust that they're coming. When I finish depends a lot on whether or not I get a bonus at work (which I find out on Monday) and when Scott and I can put our heads together to iron out some "from both of us" gifts. I'm aiming for next Saturday.

3. What was your favorite board game to play as a kid? Is it still your favorite now? Chutes & Ladders! It's not still my favorite. The only ones I played as a kid that I still play are Parcheesi and Sorry...and the occasional Pay Day or Life...and Clue... I just love board games!!

4. Take this quiz What famous artist should paint your portrait?

Salvador Dali should paint your portrait. You love to think about the world in a different way then everyone else. You are very ambitious, and you like strange things. You are curious about everything and love to learn.

5. How accurate is this quiz's description of you? First I'd like to say that Dali creeps me the heck out! He is, however, Scott's artist of choice. So if I were going to commission a great (dead) artist to paint me, he'd be the one. And I totally agree with the description of me.

6. If you could go back in time and have one more picture taken with a deceased loved one, who would you select and why? Wow...that's a no-brainer. It would be Muggy, my great-grandmother on my dad's side. In the last two pictures I have of me and her, I'm sticking out my tongue in one, and holding up a MAD Magazine in the other. In my defense, I was 12ish...that's what adolescents do.


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